ريزين كالسيو® أكياس

مسحوق للتعليق الفموي

26 كيس

ريزين كالسيو® : مسحوق للتعليق الفموي  علاج والوقاية من فرط بوتاسيوم الدم (فَرطُ الپوتاسيُم في الدَّم): ريزين كالسيو® هو مسحوق يُستخدم لتحضير سائل يُشرب عن طريق الفم لعلاج والوقاية من ارتفاع نسبة البوتاسيوم في الدم (فرط بوتاسيوم الدم).

Resincalcio® is powder for oral suspension. Treatment and prevention of hyperkalemia (hiperpotassemia) whose action takes place primarily in the colon: when in contact with intestinal contents occurs ion exchange whereby each calcium cation is exchanged for two potassium cations. Since calcium polystyrene sulfonate is not absorbed, there is no systemic toxicity.
Resincalcio® is an ion-exchange resin that is recommended for the treatment of hyperkalemia associated with anuria or severe oliguria. It is also used to treat hyperkalemia in patients requiring dialysis and in patients on regular hemodialysis or on prolonged peritoneal dialysis.

Limitation of Use:
Resincalcio should not be used as an emergency treatment for life-threatening hyperkalemia because of its delayed onset of action.


Resincalcio® is powder for oral suspension. Treatment and prevention of hyperkalemia (hiperpotassemia) whose action takes place primarily in the colon


Resincalcio® is powder for oral suspension. Treatment and prevention of hyperkalemia (hiperpotassemia) whose action takes place primarily in the colon

Treatment and Prevention of Hyperkalemia.

Contraindication and side effects:
In patients with plasma potassium levels below 5mmol/liter.
History of hypersensitivity to polystyrene sulfonate resins.
Obstructive bowel disease.
Should not be administered orally to neonates and is contraindicated in neonates with reduced gut motility (post-operatively or drug-induced).
Contraindicated in patients with the following conditions:
Hypersensitivity to polystyrene sulfonate resins.
Obstructive bowel disease.
Neonates with reduced gut motility.

Taking other medicines:

Sorbitol: Gastrointestinal stenosis, intestinal ischemia and its complications (necrosis and perforation) may occur in patients treated with polystyrene sulfonate, especially in patients using sorbitol.8 Undesirable effects).
Hypokalemia: The possibility of severe potassium depletion should be considered, and adequate clinical and biochemical control is essential during treatment, especially in patients on digitalis. Administration of the resin should be stopped when the serum potassium falls to 5mmol/litre.
Other electrolyte disturbances: Because the resin may bind calcium and magnesium ions, deficiencies of these electrolytes may occur. Accordingly, patients should be monitored for all applicable electrolyte disturbances.
Other risks: In the event of clinically significant constipation, treatment should be discontinued until normal bowel movement has resumed. Magnesium-containing laxatives should not be used.
The patient should be positioned carefully when ingesting the resin, in order to avoid aspiration, which may lead to bronchopulmonary complications.
Patients at risk from an increase in sodium load: Care should be taken when administering to patients in whom an increase in sodium load may be detrimental (i.e. congestive heart failure, hypertension, renal damage or oedema). In such instances, adequate clinical and biochemical control is essential. The calcium form of the resin may have advantages in this situation.

Intestinal necrosis.
Use only in patients who have normal bowel function. Avoid use in patients who have not had a bowel movement post-surgery.
Avoid use in patients who are at risk for developing constipation or impaction (including those with history of impaction, chronic constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, ischemic colitis, vascular intestinal atherosclerosis, previous bowel resection, or bowel obstruction). Discontinue use in patients who develop constipation.
Electrolyte disturbances.
Fluid overload in patients sensitive to high sodium intake
Risk of aspiration
Binding to other orally administered medications

Nonclinical Toxicology
Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment Of Fertility

Pregnancy: Resincalcio is not absorbed systemically following oral or rectal administration and maternal use is not expected to result in fetal risk.

Lactation: Resincalcio is not absorbed systemically by the mother, so breastfeeding is not expected to result in risk to the infant.


Resincalcio® is powder for oral suspension. Treatment and prevention of hyperkalemia (hiperpotassemia) whose action takes place primarily in the colon

Oral Route dose: 

  • Adult = 15 g – 3 to 4 times daily. 
  • Children = 1 g/kg of body weight.

Rectal route dose:

  • Adult = 30 g in 150 ml of water or 10% dextrose in water.
  • Children, 1 g/kg of body weight.
  • Neonates = 0.5 g/kg to 1 g/kg. The enema should be retained for at least nine hours. Afterwards the colon needs to be irrigated to remove the resin.

Resincalcio® powder Usage:
1. Pour in glass of water (200 ml approx.).
2. get a mix homogeneous.
3. The preparation has a slight taste of vanilla.


* MHD= maintenance hemodialysis.


Resincalcio® is powder for oral suspension. Treatment and prevention of hyperkalemia (hiperpotassemia) whose action takes place primarily in the colon

عبوات ريزين كالسيو® المتوفرة:

  • عبوة تحتوي على 26 كيس، كل كيس يحتوي على 15 جرام من المسحوق.
  • عبوة تحتوي على 100 كيس، كل كيس يحتوي على 5 جرام من المسحوق.

مكان التصنيع:

يتم تصنيع ريزين كالسيو® في مختبرات روبيو، إسبانيا. موقع مختبرات روبيو: https://www.laboratoriosrubio.com/en/

استشر طبيبك حول منتجات ريزين كالسيو®:


Resincalcio® is powder for oral suspension. Treatment and prevention of hyperkalemia (hiperpotassemia) whose action takes place primarily in the colon